MacroFuels in numbers
Between 2016 and 2019 the Horizon 2020 Project 'MacroFuels' targeted urgently needed breakthroughs along the seaweed-to-fuel value chain.
200 kg of seaweed were harvested in Denmark
10 tonnes of seaweed were harvested in Scotland
Cultivation of 4 species of seaweed was investigated
20 litres of seaweed derived fuel compound were produced
A test car drove 80 km on a seaweed fuel mix
The biofuel production from cultivated seaweed was brought from Technology Readiness Level 3 to 5
Market readiness of seaweed-based fuels or fuel additives is envisaged for 2030.
Project Fact Sheets
Our MacroFuels project came to an end in December 2019. We have summarised our results and findings in a set of Fact Sheets, which are available for download.
Watch this space for future activities, events and for MacroFuels 2.0!
Our MacroFuels Partnership
The MacroFuels consortium brings together specialists along the entire chain of biofuel production, from seaweed cultivation up to fuel testing via fuel production. Feedback loops between the experts ensure crosspollination of ideas, concepts and insights. The cultivation, pre-treatment and conversion experts are further complemented by experts in the field of sustainability assessments, risk analysis and mitigation,
commercial deployment and IP monetisation, as well as communication.