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D5.1 Seaweed derived biofuels and blend derived from fermentation

D5.2 Seaweed derived fuels from thermochemical conversion

D6.4 Environmental Assessment:
Life Cycle Assessment of biofuels from
seaweed using the MacroFuels concept

D6.5 Environmental risk assessment of the MacroFuels concept

D6.6 Sustainability Assessment

D7.1 Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication Plan

D7.3 Stakeholder engagement events
and results’ evaluation report – Issue 1

D7.4 Knowledge and data repository

D7.6 Stakeholder engagement events and
results’ evaluation report – Issue 2

D7.5 Policy briefs and strategy papers with
recommendations for policy making – Issue 1

D7.7 Policy briefs and strategy papers with
recommendations for policy making – Issue 2


This website is part of the MacroFuels  project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654010

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